What a day! Started well and ended well - the bit in the middle is a bit debatable!
We decided to visit Auntie Schoie today and we had HUGE tantrums in the car as we set off. So an impromptu trip to the pet shop to grab a car harness and millions of people wanting to help fit it! Little Hudson sat there proud as punch on the plastic bags on the counter lapping up the fuss.
So off we set again to Auntie Schoie's and my word did we howl all the way there. I now understand how parents can tune out to the screams of children.
Ice cubes - they do the job very nicely. Great on tiled flooring and keeps them amused for hours.
After a quick pony ride (saw Dizzy and Nutty lurking - I dread to think what Nutty had been rolling in but it was green) I dashed over to pick up Hudson - he hadn't moved an inch since I left! Completely sparko. Howled all the way home again but is now nicely settled and sparko again.

Dexter isn't keen on car travel either! He ought to be getting used to it now but he'll need a bit more practice.
Where did you get your food/water bowl stands from by the way? Dexter keeps knocking his water over in the night and we could do with one...
Hi there!
I think the trick is to play with them in the back of the car before you set off. I've tried this a few times and he's been less vocal but you're right, it's practice that does the job.
I've taken to throwing treats over my shoulder when he quietens down! God knows what people think I'm doing when we're sat at lights.
The food and water stand/bowls came from Pets at Home, the one in the Basingstoke Retail Park next to Argos. They're not quite puppy proof - we still have water everywhere by the morning!
Love to Dexter!
Thanks for the advice on the bowl and car. Only just realised how to reply to comments!
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