Saturday, July 26, 2008


That was Noughts's (the cat) first reaction when we trundled on home last night with Hudson Chappell-Simms. Fortunately Hudson was a little too bleary eyed and confused to realise what was going on.

Bleary eyed and confused just about sums up the Chappell-Simms household this morning. We went for the crate in the bedroom option - with heavy breathing and everything (Hudson, not Mr Chappell).

It was a 5am start for a loo break and then back to bed for a bit. This morning we've tasted rosemary, sage, lobelia and weeds. Oh and we've unravelled Noughtster's scratching post for him...oops.

1 comment:

GavinB said...

welcome to the house of fun!

We made it all the way to 7 this morning with the solitary Dusty and Nutty sleaping downstairs! Oh, and dusty can climb the stairs as of they arn't there.