Monday, April 27, 2009

Bonsta on the blog

As promised, a select few of the Bonsta.

Believe it or not, she still just about fits in her puppy bed - ahhh

All grown up, well maybe!

Please can I play too?

An andrex moment - what fun (for her!)

Day 1 - how was she ever that small?!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bonnie is here at last!

Well, its been a long time coming (especially as the puppies are nearly a year old!), but now that I have theinternet at home (thanks Brian!), here is a picture of the Bonsta from last September. Watch this space for more pictures - there are plenty!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hudson's been promoted to Silver!

There was a small miracle in Burghfield yesterday...Hudson had his sensible head on and passed the Kennel Club Good Citizen Silver Award!

This means he has mastered the art of:
  • loose lead walking outside without pulling (only if hand stinks of sausage)
  • two minute stay without moving (an excuse to have a rest)
  • examination by the judge (an excuse for a fuss)
  • controlled greeting (as above)
  • getting in and out of the car in a controlled manner (another excuse for a rest)
  • return to handler (an excuse for a fuss)
  • return to handler from distractions - dogs, people etc (more fussing and there's probably sausage in it).

As you can see, bribery gets me everywhere!